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Brazil, as one of the world's largest biodiversity holders, harbors part of this genetic and historical wealth in important scientific collections, distributed in research institutes and universities. Although these collections collectively shelter a significant portion of the country's biodiversity, the adequacy of the conditions for maintenance and enhancement of these collections requires greater attention from government agencies, institutions and their curators. The current political and economic moment is serious and alert to the many challenges we face in preserving the invaluable significance of our scientific collections.


With the realization of the II INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON THE MANAGEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC ACCOUNTS, CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES, professionals from Brazil and abroad will have the opportunity to discuss this theme through the exchange of experiences that may result in important benefits for all who work in the management of our collections. This will also be an interesting moment to encourage the training and the awakening of new professionals through lectures, round tables and mini courses

Be welcome!

August 06-10, 2018

R. Abdias Gomes de Almeida, 800 - Tambauzinho, João Pessoa , Paraíba State, Brazil. 58042-900

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06th to 10th August 2018 | Espaço Cultural José Lins do Rego
 João Pessoa - Paraíba State - Brazil


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“Desafios Contemporâneos”
"Contemporary Challenges"
Convocamos todos a um rico debate sobre a atual situação de nossas coleções biológicas.
(We all call for a rich debate on the current status of our biological collections.)
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